brain surgeons in charity hospitals
in modern techniques
with instruments to perform less invasive
pediatric brain surgery
them to provide modern care
for children without us
Children who are in need of brain surgery simply cannot wait. Their care cannot be scheduled, awaiting surgeons on charitable missions. To help them, one must empower their dedicated doctors that reside in their cities and labor to provide care to their own citizens. So we aim to educate, equip, and empower host neurosurgeons to provide lasting and sustainable brain surgery to the poor children in their cities.
Modern children’s brain surgery has not permeated the charity hospitals of Central America, South America, Eastern Europe, and Africa. We deploy surgeons on targeted one-week visits over several years, build/renovate Children’s brain surgery programs, and then withdraw to do the same for the next capital city. The success of our model is measured in how quickly we become obsolete to the country in need and doing so with the least amount of resources utilized.